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Video Game Diary: Titanfall #1: War Games and My Will To Live

12 Jul

So I got Titanfall a few months ago, and have been having fun playing no matter how bad I might actually be at it. While playing with friends on the War Games map I managed to get myself in the same sticky situation twice and survive it. So… yay for me!

The Dude somehow forgot about that pit in the middle and fell in (he made it out too though), and my loyal Titan stayed by the edge to wait for me as another Titan was attacking it. I don’t know why I thought getting in was a good idea.

Vlog #6: Life and Stuff

1 May

So it’s been awhile….. yeah I got caught up in life, and by caught up in life I mean had a broken camera and nothing worth talking about. Sorry. I’m gonna get better though! I promise!


Vlog #3: Deep Conditioning

2 Feb

There are some new things going on with my hair, which means I have to take care of it more. So I did a deep condition day!
Also I tried out the Pantene Truely Natural Conditioner and Co-Wash for black hair. So far I like it!

Picture of my blue hair:

Vlog #3: Goofy for 2014

6 Jan

December Length Check

16 Dec

New Video! I did a length check on my hair, because I’m gonna start taking care of it now….. maybe….

De Tries To Make: Naptural85’s Shea Butter Pomade

9 Dec

I made a video!

I’ve been considering doing a vlog for awhile, but was unsure of what to talk about. So here is my first attempt. Let me know if you like it.